Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Week 2011

Well, as I suspected, finding time to keep up with a blog is going to prove difficult at times. Life at home with an infant keeps a Mama on her toes, so I'm going to have to work extra hard to keep this going.

This will be a bit of a ramble, so bear with me. I'm still trying to figure out a flow to this whole process...

It's almost Thanksgiving!

That means Nick is almost 11 (wow!), Brooklyn is here, Shannon's birthday is right around the corner, and the chaos of the holidays is upon us! Pulling down Christmas decorations so we can put up the tree while Brooklyn is here, coordinating with family for Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations, and this girl here is already exhausted just thinking about it all! Add to the mix the fact that I, in my infinite wisdom and new mama brain, signed on to be Nick's room mom at school... yeah.

Just for giggles, here is my list of things that need to be done this week (in addition to work, of course)...
  1. Finalize plans for Nick's school Thanksgiving party - in and of itself, not a huge task, except that approximately half of the class will not be there, so finding volunteers to bring food for the kiddos is proving a difficult task.

  2. Coordinate with my mom for Thanksgiving dinner.

  3. Facilitate the decorating of the Christmas tree. (Last year was the first year I've ever had an artificial tree in my house, and although it's definitely NOT my preference, it does make the whole process a bit easier...and I don't have to worry about cleaning pitch off my new hardwood floors.)

  4. Dentist appointments tomorrow for both Nick and I... just cleanings, but still...

  5. Spend as much time with that baby of mine as possible... I go through withdrawals by the end of a workday.

  6. Pull coordinating outfits together for Shannon, myself, Nick, Brooklyn, and Greyson for our family pictures next Sunday...this means shopping...ugh.
I know there is more, but for the life of me I can't think of anything else at the moment... but you get the picture... This is me, doing life Hummingbird style.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Trying Something New...

Meet the Clarks

This is my family. Well, most of my family, anyways. There's me, on the left, Greyson Neill on my lap (8 weeks old), my husband Shannon behind me, and Nicholas John ("Nick", age 10) next to me. We are missing a daughter, Brooklyn Rose (age 4) - she lives with her mom 3 hours south of us, so she wasn't able to be here this past weekend when this picture was taken. Don't worry - you'll meet her soon. I'm starting this blog in the hopes that I can keep family and friends updated with the goings-on in our hectic lives - hence the name "Doing Life Hummingbird Style."

I have a friend who once nicknamed me "Hummingbird" because I have this inability to slow down. Well, maybe not inability per say, but perhaps the desire to do so many different things that they all start to run into one another until I can't figure out where my days have gone. It seems I never stop moving - being a wife and mom who also works full-time outside the home, brand new baby, play dates, soccer practices and games, grocery shopping, church and Bible study, volunteering at school, social life (Ha!)... our family just never stops moving. My husband is always pushing to slow down - you know, after 33 years of this pace, it's hard to just decide one day to slow down. However, in an effort to keep you all "in the know" about our busy lives, here I am. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this up regularly... I've never been able to stay on top of this kind of thing, but if I can be disciplined about this, maybe one day I'll learn how to structure other parts of my life as well.

So for now, let me welcome you to "Doing Life Hummingbird Style"... I hope you enjoy keeping up to date with my little family and our busy lives.