Monday, March 24, 2014

Being A Mom Is Hard...

Sometimes when I wake up I feel about 80 years old. I look in the mirror and and am quickly reminded that, while I'm not 80 by a long shot, I am not the 20-something that I used to be either. I'm not as young as I'd like to be, but not as old as I could be. I have my children to thank for that.

I'm a Mom. It was a choice I made 13 years ago with the unexpected pregnancy and then birth of my oldest son. It was a choice I made when I married my husband and embraced his daughter as if she were my own (even though she lives 200+ miles away with her mom). And it was a choice I made as Shannon and I tried for two long years to conceive Greyson. And not once have I looked back and regretted those choices!

HOWEVER, there are times when I wish I could lock myself in my bathroom and cry and scream and hit things out of sheer frustration and helplessness! There have been times where I would have gladly traded one of my children in for a new Jeep (not really, but still). There are times when I get home after working an 8-hour day and all I want is quiet... instead, all I get is chaos. Running away isn't an option, but sometimes just getting away from it all would be a treat.

I have gray hairs that I'm not ready to embrace. I have bags that have taken up permanent residence under my eyes. My "baby weight" is still not gone (not that I've done much of anything to get rid of it). I have laugh lines and crows feet. I have wrinkly fingers and mildly flabby arms. (Thank God the hubs loves me anyways!!)

I'm a Mom.
I'm a short-order cook (much to my chagrin).
I'm a chauffeur.
I'm a house-keeper.
I'm a drier of tears (sometimes even when I'm the cause of said tears).
I'm a kisser of owies.
I'm the world's best hug (in their eyes, anyways).

I'm not the best mom in the world, but I'm theirs. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.