Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snow Days

For those of you who know me...I mean REALLY know'll recall that I. HATE. SNOW. Like, really hate it.

It's my personal opinion that snow should stay in the mountains, where people who love it - like my husband - can go to play in it. It should NOT come down the hill to town where people who do not love it - like me - have to continue to function normally.

Driving in the thanks. Even with the Subaru that Shannon continues to remind me we have...nope. And playing in it...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??? And yet, I have boys. Boys who love to play in it. Boys who were beyond thrilled to look out the window this past Sunday morning and see it not only covering the ground, but dumping out of the sky. Boys who stood at the window asking excitedly, "When can we go play?!"

I was recovering from the stomach flu. Shannon was directly in the throes of that nasty bug. And the boys wanted to play in the cold wet white stuff. So I said ok.

Because I was still unwell, I stood just inside my sliding glass door while those two bundled up boys went to town in the snow. A foot deep, mind you...Greyson was in it practically up to his waist! And it continued to dump. Not just snowing, but DUMPING. I did go outside a few times in my jammies and slippers to take a few pictures, because what good is snow if you can't take some pictures of it? Plus, the boys were having so much fun. It was torture trying to get them back inside, but I needed to sit, and Daddy (who had tried for about 10 minutes to go out with them) was not in good shape. With the promise of more later (I never said HOW MUCH later), they came inside...all red cheeks and runny noses and icy fingers and happy.

Sadly, another trip out to play was not in the cards for them on Sunday. I just wasn't up to it, and while Nick at 13 years old would have been fine on his own, I wasn't about to let him take Greyson out there unsupervised...too many reminders - some not so gentle - to "stop throwing snowballs at your brother" didn't give me much confidence in that scenario ending well.

Then next day, however, the snow had finally stopped falling, and we were left with a foot of snow in our backyard and a "bluebird" type of day to play in. And since Mom and Dad were both feeling significantly improved, guess who got to go out and play too?! And you know what...??? I actually had fun!!

We built a "snomily" - five snow people in varying heights, one for each of us. Mom had hair (tree branches), Daddy had a beard (again, tree branches), and Greyson had a twig sticking up out of the top of his head. And Nick, dear sweet boy, made it so that the "Nick" and "Brooklyn" snowkids were hugging!

AND I ACTUALLY HAD FUN!!! (Wait, did I already say that?)

I took pictures, because...well, if you know me at all, you know that documenting that moment in time where I actually enjoyed the snow with my kids was of the utmost importance.

And now...I think I can give skiing with Shannon a try. I just need to make sure I have the right gear, but I think I'll be a bit more open-minded about a trip east on SR-542 to Mount Baker. There is hope for me yet! :)


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